
Showing posts from March, 2015

Tips To Keep Guests Coming Back especially after Easter

Jesus was never known for making people comfortable but He was really good at holding on to people as long as He can enough to give them enough of God.  Every pastor desires to have that happen to their guests.  Come back once more so they can hear enough of the gospel and just a little longer to be with God's people - the odds are your guests will understand the grace of God more than before. After reading Caroline Cooper's 7  Tips To Keep Guests Coming Back, it dawned on me that we are not much different from hotel owners. Hotels live by an oath, "We want to see you back." I sure hope we have the same heart.  Here are some similarities worth thinking about. 1.       Ask for feedback.  " If what you have provided fails to meet expectations, wouldn’t you rather know about it before the guest leaves?" writes Cooper.  A friend of mine who is a renowned international speaker asks this question before he leaves any site, "Wa...