
Showing posts from December, 2017

Masters Ministries 501(c)(3)

My wife and I would like to introduce you to Masters Ministries 501(c)(3), a non-profit organization, that comes alongside churches to encourage and equip God's people and bring the gospel of Jesus Christ to their community. A great number of congregations in Hawaii are small, cannot afford to employ workers but have legitimate needs that can boost growth and outreach to the community.    Masters Ministries is here to  help strategize and meet those needs. Masters Ministries also hosts the Youth Project, a creative arts ministry for middle, high school and college students.  This ministry prepares young minds to help reach their community effectively with the gospel of Christ. Masters Ministries also specializes in leadership, technology, websites, multimedia, video presentations/editing, mission trips, consultations, counseling, music and worship, choir directing and play production, community outreach and events, visitation, home care ministry; Senior housing...