
Showing posts from February, 2019

Leadership and Evanglism: Ed Stetzer

Notes on Evangelism and Leadership:  What excuses have you heard why Christian's don't evangelize... I like evangelism as long as someone else is doing it .   I don't have a gift of evangelism.   There's no gift of evangelism in the bible, but there's an evangelist, who is a gift to the church.  An evangelist is someone God uses to help God's people to share their faith.   Evangelism is not a gift for  SOME  believers,  it's a responsibility for ALL believers.  Evangelism is not a gift for SOME believers, it's a responsibility for ALL believers.   And that includes Leaders.   Leaders ought to be evangelistic:   "You can't lead what you don't live." You can't lead what you don't live. Illustration:  Bill Hybels, He uses his sailboat as a ministering tool and evangelistic tool.  What's your sailboat.   Evangelism is difficu...