
Showing posts from August, 2021

Saul and Samuel: When You Need Someone To Tell You The Truth

Saul and Samuel         Saul and Jonathan         Saul and David  LESSON # 1:  Discipleship:  When You Need Someone To Tell You The Truth Other topics:   Samuel Points King Saul to God; Listen to God's Divine Intervention; The Barrier of Unbelief Bible Verses:  1 Samuel 10:20-24;  1 Samuel 13:7-14; 1 Samuel 15:10-15; 20-23 Barriers are healthy especially when you are careening on the freeway of life at top speed.  These boundaries keep you safe.   But there are boundaries that hold us back that keep us moving forward to our top speed.   So if you feel like you running like a turtle, when you know God gave you rabbit legs, then this series is for you.    King Saul was called by God to lead the children of Israel into independence and victory.   But Saul kept hitting walls that would have made him a great leader.   He also failed to realize the moments where he...