No Pressure Evangelism

“Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord:” (Hebrews 12:14)

How do I start witnessing? Who do I share Jesus to? Does evangelism ever stop just because there is no evangelism event in the church? If Jesus meant that we be a witness for him constantly, then there shouldn’t be any pressure representing him before others. If it is to be a lifestyle, then it’s only a pressure if we cease to live for Jesus. Evangelism becomes an overflow. The how, who and when are addressed easily as you grow richly in Christ. With your constant relationship with Christ here are some things you won’t have to struggle with when it comes to witnessing:

1. Is this the one? The sad picture of evangelism is asking “is this the person to share to?” You are to shine your light to all. Everyone is a candidate to eternal life. No pressure evangelism doesn’t ask, we assume the whole world needs the light. Let your daily interaction be the basis of who to share to. I was in a birthday party of a dear sister in the Lord, when a businessman sat beside me, our conversation ranged from golf, to tax-free retirement, to church, to children, to critiquing the house we were in, until it came to a crossroad brought by a question I asked, “in your past 15 years, has anybody told you how you can prepare beyond retirement?” No pressure means, everyone needs your witness.

2. Don’t pick and choose. A person yielded to obedience doesn’t pick and chose. Just wherever and whoever the Lord places you is good enough. I was at Burger King the other day for lunch and the dining was full. So I decided to ask one man who was sitting in a four-chaired table if I could share. I was thinking, “great, now I couldn’t read my bible.” A better thought came up later, “captive audience.” Interesting how our first 30 minute conversation started from “thanks…really thanks for the seat” to cars, family, friends and then the crossroad topic “what job do you do?” He makes signs and shared why he does it and then I shared mine and I simply told him I work for churches and I do this because many people need to know Jesus. You get the point.

3. How do I start? God has a purpose why He puts us in places with certain people. But there are times when you do not know anyone and it’s hard to strike a conversation -so you end up in a corner. I’ve found out that people will normally respond to a “hello.” You know, “how are you doing?” kind of a talk. Amazing how those opening lines can just build up to something. Islanders like using the colloquial greeting, “What’s up?” Or “Aloha” or just simply “Ey.” Believe me, I say these words not to evangelize, but it’s amazing what conversation comes after.

4. What am I to do? Using the farming analogy, a no pressure evangelism doesn’t assume a harvest all the time. At times, God places you at a situation just to plant a seed or water them. With my Burger King friend, I was a water person. I found out that he has some friends who had shared Jesus to him and I got to water those seeds. “I think it’s more than a coincidence for us to talk about God” I emphasized. “Maybe God is telling you to start noticing his own sign in your life.” Time was running out for both of us and we left by shaking hands and exchanging information. I left that place assured that what God wanted me to do was simply nourish his seeds planted by a previous witness. He will bring the harvest in his time.

5. You’ll know when it’s time. A group of my friends have invited Vanessa for months now. She’s been to bible studies, prayer meetings, church functions, and she loves hanging out with, as she puts it, her Christian friends. But she herself was not a Christian. On one occasion, Vanessa got to sit across me and after a lengthy “catch-up” conversation I asked, “Vanessa, has anyone asked you yet to make Jesus the Lord of your life?” My intention was just to water the seeds, but when she responded, “No… but I don’t think I can measure up to God’s qualification.” I asked permission to address her doubts. With her fear assured and her question answered, it was just natural to ask again the question, “Can I ask if you want to make Jesus Lord of your life now?” She is ready either to receive or to reject. Gladly she said yes and she prayed to receive Christ in front of her friends. You’ll know when it’s time.

No Pressure evangelism is living a Christ-style in your lifestyle. As God places you with people, he expects you to engage and if that’s a too big of a word, then just say “hello.” Assume nothing except do what the Spirit enables you to do. And you’ll know, when it’s time. As you walk out from a conversation, rejoice however the Lord had used you. Remember, there are times you will just plant a seed or nourish it up, but not all the time you will get to ask the crossroad question and that’s ok. Remember – there’s no pressure if you are simply following the Holy Spirit.


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