Happy Thanksgiving!
Turkeys. Food. Fellowship. Yum! While these are some things that might preoccupy us this season, I just want to join you in giving thanks to our Almighty One! By His grace, we are where we are and are able to rejoice and thank Him in all things that He had done. Thank you Jesus for dying on the cross for our sins. Online Shopping? Send school supplies to the children of farmers in the Philippines when you do your online shopping here. Sponsored by the Youth Project Summer 2018. I want to thank God for wisdom. I may not have a lot of them and in this day and age, who can afford not to have them. These past few weeks, God has been teaching me about wisdom through the study of 1 Kings and the life of King Solomon. In 1 Kings 3, I see that God wants us to learn, to long and to live wisdom in our lives. In Proverbs 4, Solomon challenges us to love wisdom. God delights to give wisdom and to ...