YP - Raising Support Ideas


"When I go to Spain . . I hope to . .to have you assist me on my journey there."
-- Romans 15:24

Raising Support

Even the great Apostle Paul relied on local churches to support his mission endeavors (Rom. 15:24).  Coordinate with us to help you relay your needs to individuals and churches that God might use to raise your support.  Four quick easy things to remember.  (1) Pray and ask establish your prayer networks; (2) Plan for progress and don’t think that you do these steps only once;  (3) Print and send your letters prospective donors; (4) Participate in group fund raising events. 

Here's a funding strategy outline
Let your daily prayer times be permeated with the sense that you are looking primarily to the Lord to provide your finances.

Make a list of individuals and churches with whom you can share your vision and call.  Pray for a minimum of 50 names or contacts to whom to mail your Ideas for contacts to recruit sponsors:

o Your church missions committee or council
o The church where you grew up
o Churches on your home district
o Friends and acquaintances at each of these churches o People at your work place (current and summer)
o Acquaintances outside your normal church circles (neighbors, for instance)
o Alumni from your school
o Friends involved in other Christian groups and ministries
o Friends and contacts of your parents
o Relatives
o Christian contacts at your university (professors, administrators, staff)
o Christian parents of your friends
o Your close friends

Prioritize your list into your "Top10, "Second10, Third 10 and soon.
Those "Top 10" donors or sponsors will probably provide two-thirds of your financial support.
Prayerfully individualize your fund-raising appeals.
Ask appropriately.
Don't be afraid to ask for large gifts of money.
Decide the best way to contact each person on your top10 list and what gift range you would like to ask them to consider giving. Possible ways to contact are:
  • Face-to-face funding presentation
  • Phone call followed with an information letter and response card and envelope
  • Fund-raising letter with an information sheet and response card and envelope  followed up by a phone call if they do not get back to you in time
  • Church presentation
  • Other creative options such as car wash

Pray, then contact each person on your" Top10"list. Set yourself a deadline to get this done
Follow up with the master planned
Repeat steps1-5 for your second10
Continue steps1-6 until you reach 100% of your fundraising goal

How do you find the financial aid you need to go on a short term mission experience? How do you get people to consider making donations?


When to Write a Letter.
You must write your letter as soon as possible.   Many of your donors would want to take advantage of their year-end giving.   Encourage them to post-mark their checks before the year end 2017 to count as a donation for this tax-year.

Print and sign your solicitation letter as soon as you discover who else you need to send the letter to.  

Make a record of who you sent it to and when.   Follow up with a phone call a week later once the letter is sent.  Record everything that you do with your donors most especially the promises you make.  

Phone Call Follow Up
“Hello. My name is ____________________.  I sent you a letter last week asking for your help, I wondered if you have received them yet?”  “Please don’t hesitate to call or email me if you have any questions.”  “I hope to hear from you soon.” 
You must be prepared to verbalize your request if necessary.  Be prepared.    

Reporting to Donors.
Your donors are excited to hear from you.  Some of them are so well connected to social media and they may want to hear and know how things are going on. 

By keeping in touch with your donors, you allow them to pray timely for your needs.   You also help them reach out to others in your behalf.   Finally, you become an encouragement to them.   We pray that your reporting will enrich your relationship with your donors.  

What to report

  • Give greetings
  • Update on what had recently happened
  • Solicit how they can pray for you

How to report
  • Writing
  • Video Blog (facebook or youtube)

Final reporting should be done to your donors as soon as you get back (within a  week).  You may start working on this during the trip.   A personal visit, extending a keepsake gift, writing them a letter are highly encouraged.   An email is an option but you still have to do one of the proposed things.  

YP Sample Letter 

Dear friends and family,

For many years now, the Youth Project had been ministering to people in Hawaii.   We are blessed to have an opportunity to minister to the people in the Philippines where there is a tremendous need to share the gospel and the love of Jesus.   

During June 12-26, 2018, I will be going to Nueva Ecijah, Ilocos and Palawan, Philippines with a team from the Youth Project.  We are made up of many churches. 

Our two-week trip will focus on three things.  First, we will reach out to students by sharing our songs, testimonies, and Hawaii culture.   We will extend the love of Jesus by handing out school supplies.  We plan to connect these schools to local churches for follow up and on-going outreach.  Most of these students are families of farmers who depend on a day to day resource.

Second, we will reach out to communities and government.  The interaction will serve to facilitate knowing the communities needs and we plan to sieze the opportunity to share the gospel and the love of Jesus.     

Lastly, we plan to encourage the local churches.  They are at the fore-front of these outreaches.  We will visit churches and congregations, interact with them, encourage them through songs, teachings and testimonies.  We will visit many small villages where we will develop relationships with the Christians there.

I'm excited about the opportunity and experience that lie ahead. This is a good cultural experience to me as well and I hope you see the value in what this trip will accomplish. I need to raise $2000.00 dollars to cover my airfare, transportation, lodging and meals by April, 2018.   If you would like to be part of this mission through your financial support, send a check to and payable to Youth Project, PO Box 4787 Mililani, HI 96789 and my name on the memo line.   All contributions are tax deductible.  

While money is important, it comes in a distant second to my need for your prayer support. Since prayer support is so important to the success of this mission, I would like to know if I can count on you in that area. Enclosed is a bookmark that you can put in your Bible, on your bathroom mirror, on the "fridge", or anywhere else you will see it at least once a day. Please pray daily for the areas listed.

I am excited to share with you the things that God will do when I come back.   Please call me at______________ or email at ________________ if you have any questions.  I plan to call you well next week to check that you received this letter.  

Because they haven't heard, (Signed)


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