Saul”s Experience In Christ

Topic: : Saul’s Experience In Christ
Theme:  Transformstion

Read:  Acts 9:19-26

Introduction:  the Bible said, His word will not return to him void (Is. 55:11).  What effect does God's word have on you?  These are the things that happened to Saul when He heard the Word.

Isaiah 55:11,  
so is my word that goes out from my mouth:
    It will not return to me empty,
but will accomplish what I desire
    and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.

1. Saul experinced change (19-21)

v. 19b, Saul spent several days with the disciples...
What effect does hanging out with Christian have?
Matthew 5:14,  "You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden.

V 20, “ Saul began to preach in the Synagogues that Jesus is the Son of God “
-it’s the same place, with the different message
- it’s the same group with a different response

These are the effects when you hang out with people who cares for you...

Why do changes happen in our lives? Because...
sudden things happen in your life
-you start to question
-you start to seek for answers
-you start looking for direction

2.  Saul experienced growth (22-25)

V. 22, “yet Saul grew more and more powerful and baffled the Jews living in damascus by proving that Jesus is the Christ”

- your appetite for spiritual things grow
- your desire to walk right grows
- your conviction starts changing

3. Saul experienced church (26a)

V. 26, when he came to Jerusalem he tried to join the disciples....”
- he needed people who can understand what he was going through
- he needed activities that can meet his need
- he needed a church to belong

When you start hearing, you start changing.  When you start changing you start growing.  What are you hearing God telling you?  What changes are you seeing happen?  How is growth happening in your life.  Are you seeking and searching at the right place, with the right people?


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