How To Make Zoom Online Worship Flowing

"Believe me, a time is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem...Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshippers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshippers the Father seeks."  John 4:21,23

Zoom Worship can pose a great challenge.  I hope that this article can help ease your preparation for Online worship.   

Host, Co-Host, Participant
  1. Survey who can and cannot connect.  In the age of smartphones - there really is no excuse for any grandma or child not connect to engage worship.  
  2. Open room early.   There are members who need help to connect, opening the room early can give them peace of mind.   
  3. Make sure you are wired connect.  Wi-fi is ok but if you are a host, co-host, or have a role in the program, the last thing you want is a lag because of your connection. 
  4. Remove possible audio and video distractions.  Rooster crowing or a member of the family passing by behind you.  Make sure you are in a controlled environment.
  5. Your camera is always on.  
  6. Pay attention.   The last thing you want is to be called and not be prepared.

Participants (10 Commandments of online worship) 
  1. Prepare your heart.
  2. Get out of bed and get dressed - just as you will in a regular church service.   This will help prepare your heart and mind. 
  3. Gather together as a family.  Don't just show up by yourself.
  4. Stream to your largest screen if possible.  Connect your computer or your gadget to your TV.
  5. Sing, read, clap, say amen, and participate.   Worship is not what is being done by others, it is what is being done by you.  
  6. Prepare materials ahead of time.  Is there a sermon note to print or a feedback form to click.  If it is a Lord's Supper, prepare your elements ahead of time. 
  7. Make sure your camera is always on.   Just like church, we want worship to have "live" people. 
  8. Mute and unmute your microphone.   All participants will be muted as a preset but be prepared to unmute especially in times of audience participation.    
  9. Invite someone.   Just as you would invite someone to church, so invite someone to online worship.  Look out for them and let your leader know that so and so is your guest.  
  10. Worship does not end when online worship ends.  Think about how you can make your online worship better and start looking out for the next guest you can invite.   

 How To Deal with Technical Issues

  1. I can't log in.
    • Click the "clickable link" sent by the host.  This will minimize steps to log in.
    • Adjust the ID or PW.  Previous meetings are saved automatically so just click "join."
    • You do not have to set up an account if you just want to join.   
  2. When there is "lag" or "delay," lookout for these reminders.
    • Make sure you are hard-wired (good for leaders) 
    • Make sure no other gadget is using up the connection
    • Check  hardware for operating background software or opened app that is not needed
    • Leading a "live" song should only come from one remote area or else "lag" and "delay" will occur.  
    • Look out for a  special audio setting for those "singing" and "leading."
  3. Ipad, Phone vs. Computer
    • Leaders if possible must have a computer especially if they require PowerPoint or to co-host.
    • Certain functionalities are not available on small gadgets
    • The audio pick up is better in a computer than a gadget
  4. Security.  How secured is this?   Zoom presets to the highest security settings.  Only your host can manually override them.   
  5. This is so hard.   Practice ahead of time.  Technical steps can be second nature - but you have to keep doing them over and over.  Here are some of these that you need to be good at.  
  6. Sound Echo or unnecessary noise.  You do not have full control of what is going on with your participants, but you can always mute their microphones.  Look at the microphone icon where the sound is coming from.  "Mute All" is a good practice except don't mute the one speaking.   
  7. Get help.   Have someone be in charge of the PowerPoint.  It helps alleviate the pressure when another individual can handle the "sharing" of the media.   Always assign a "helpdesk" or just make the chat room available for help
  8. I want a broader audience.   You can "stream" your zoom online worship via FB and Youtube  
  9. I want the service available and accessible after.   When you stream live, your broadcast is saved and made available.  You can also "record" via online or remote and post the file later. This is helpful if you need to do editing.   
Don't hesitate to add your comments below on how to have an effective Zoom Online Worship.   Worship the Lord in the beauty of His holiness. 


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