Handbell Music Brings "Christ" Back To Christmas

There was no easy answer when Mililani Fil-Am Baptist Church asked if it can be a blessing to its community this Christmas.  Some suggested wrapping gifts for the elderly and handing them to Ohana Care, a senior facility nearby, or simply inviting the community to its Christmas program.

"How about playing the handbell during the Christmas parade?" remarked one mother.   The church had been blessed to assemble a dozen handbell players and played on many church occasions throughout the year.   But in a Christmas community parade?  

High school marching bands, floats, bicycle riders, fancy cars, politicians.... why not add handbell music to the mix?   The Lyons Club in charge of the parade insisted that only one Santa Clause could be present in the parade.   That's not a problem for us... we represent JESUS!  This comment made us all understand that Christ has been demoted even in parades.  Now it's time to bring back "Christ" at Christmas! 

Other congregations nearby that belong to Oahu Baptist Network joined in as well.  Mililani Fil-Am Baptist Church organized and their handbell players sounded Christmas Favorites Medley throughout the parade.  Mililani Baptist Church choir participated and sang along.   First Baptist Church of Wahiawa Preschool propped up a nativity.   Many thanks to the partnership of Hawaii Pacific Baptist Convention's Sue Nishikawa Offering, Christ in Christmas was declared not just once but twice, in the Wahiawa and in the Mililani Christmas Parade.  

The 2022 Handbell Music Team of Mililani Fil-Am Baptist Church
Aunty Tina, Micah, Michak, Aunty Joanne, EJ, Clint, John, Rian, Sonny, Keana, Angel, Gab, Aunty Donna, and Director, Bong. 
The Nativity Scene of First Baptist Church of Wahiawa Preschool Staff and Parents with Jamaal and Sarah as Joseph and Mary.  Director Bel and the rest of FBC of Wahiawa and Mililani Baptist Church members join in the parade.  

Here is Lindsey and Alona, FBC of Preschool staff, holding the introduction banner as the floats follow

The banners were a strategic way to connect the community back to the local southern baptist church nearby.  The QR code access a page that leads to church websites and a form for the prayer request.  Thank you To Sue Nishikawa Local Missions Fund.  The website generated 135 visits.


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