Helping People In Their Journey - Systems

Our human body is made up of many systems - respiratory, digestive, skeletal and on. In doing church, we deal with systems as well like discipleship, leadership and for this article evangelism.  Within the system are different tracks that make it work.

May I suggest three tracks for this evangelism system: 
Pre-evangelism,  Gospel Sharing and Follow Up.

Pre-evangelism.  When it comes to the gospel, people start in different places. Some are 10 steps behind others are one step closer.  Whatever
the case may be, pre-evangelism track deploys activities that are redemptive in nature.  Sharing a meal, visiting the sick and clothing the poor are just some of the many activities Jesus prescribed in Matthew 25:36 on we can let our light shine (cf. Matt. 5:16).   These activities announced in Jesus name, are geared to help advance the Gospel in someone's life.  

Gospel sharing. This is the part where people give permission to listen to the gospel presentation.  Depending on the situation, some gospel sharing may only have three minutes while others may have 15 minutes or more. It can come in a theological discussion or a relational level. Some may end on a decision to follow Jesus, at times it may need a second encounter or further spiritual discussion. Some Gospel sharing reveals hurdles. The goal then is to help clarify doubts until the person can come to a personal decision that his questions hash ace been answered. 

Follow up. Gospel sharing is not the end of it. Jesus called us to make disciples. In this sense the follow up is to help mentor the new believer to be obedient disciples of Him. Follow up is also needed when a person does not make a decision. Giving the person thoughts to think about and questions to answer are open doors for the next encounter.

Process  Time:  Can you identify which track is the person whom you are sharing the gospel to? Are you equipped with tools to handle each part of this system?

Each system has a process that takes time.  In the same token, some people maybe in pre-evangelism for awhile before they can be shared the gospel to.  I hope this helps you in dealing with people you are witnessing to.  


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