The Scarlet Red Rope - Rahab's Story

Bible reading for today:  Joshua 2

Rahab had all the negative qualities of a person were a prostitute.  But the spies from Israel made a difference in her life.   These men had faith “behind them” and kindness “ahead of them”.  Rahab was open to their God and showed kindness to them by hiding and protecting them.  An act of kindness led into a lifeline of the covenant.  A promise that will forever change her life and her family.  The bible etched Rahab’s name in the hall of faith this way:

Questions to Ponder:  

The spies in this story is a type of Christians in our modern-day.  They seek out the non-Christians and get them on the path of knowing Jesus. 

A question to Ponder:  Is your relationship with non-Christians a matter of spiritual urgency or just a series of social incidents?  Is it with a purpose or chance?  


In today’s lesson, we compare Rahab to a person who needs Jesus.  She longs for something deeper and purposeful but has been stuck behind the wall all her life.

A question to Ponder:   Is the wall that surrounds you limiting you or protecting you?  In what way can you say your current situation moving you forward in life?


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